Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Demographics and Pyschographics

Within marketing, Demographics are the most recent statistical characteristics of a population. They are about the population and the culture of the people within the population. Commonly used demographics are gender, race, age, disabilities, mobility, home ownership, employment status, and class. Marketers use these demographics to provide enough information about the typical member of their target group to create a mental picture, which once constructed, they can use to develop a marketing strategy and marketing plan. Below is the 6 demographic groups, labeled A - E.

A-High management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors and Surgeons and other such professionals.

B-Middle management, Teachers, Creative and Media Professional. 

C1-Junior management, Nurses, Receptionists.

C2-Skilled manual workers (e.g plumbers, builders, electricians)

D-Semi-skilled and Unskilled manual workers (e.g shop workers)

E-Unemployed, Students, Pensioners, Casual workers.

Our target group would be group E as we are targeting the thriller at students.

The Pyschographics are the personalities of the individuals and sub categorizes the target audience even more. For our thriller we have decided that our target audience is 'Explorers' and 'Mainstream'. A description of which can be found below.

Explorers- Energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure. Brand choice highlights satisfaction, and instant effect. the first to try new brand. Younger demographic - students

Mainstream- Tend to be domestic, conformist, sentimental- favour value for money family brands. Nearly always the largest group.

We have chosen these as we view our audience to be a normal person but who likes to be scared and put 'on edge'.

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